Your one-stop solution for EU ETS

In 2024, maritime transport will be included under EU ETS.

The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is an emission 'cap and trade' system that aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by setting a limit, or cap on emissions.

Each year, a limited amount of EU Allowances (EUAs) is made available for trading in the market, and this is reduced yearly in order for the EU to meet its emissions reduction target. Each EUA gives companies the right to emit GHG emissions equivalent to the global warming potential of one tonne of CO2 equivalent.

The price of EUAs are increasing.
The time to buy them is now.

Get a headstart on EU ETS now

With us, you can bypass the process of opening a holding account and purchase EUAs directly.


Purchase EUAs directly with us today.


Sell or trade your allowances.


Spare allowances can be kept for future use or for sale.

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